If you'll be flying in for the wedding, the closest airport is Richmond International Airport. It's about a 40 minute drive from there to Williamsburg. An Uber from the airport will likely cost about $50 each way.
Once you're in town, if you didn't drive -- or don't want to drive -- there are Uber and Lyft rideshares or you can hail a cab (Colonial Capital Cabs - (757) 345-2224).
During the wedding ceremony, there will be free parking at the Plant Parking Lot off Grigsby Drive, located behind the undergraduate admissions office and the Marketplace: 

You can leave your car in the lot if you plan to take the shuttle to the reception.

Our reception site is about a 30 minute drive from the Wren Chapel. Shuttle service will be provided between the chapel and our reception. If you're interested in taking a shuttle, please indicate that when you RSVP or contact Scott or Alexis directly. The shuttle will make two return trips back to the Wren Chapel and Williamsburg Lodge hotel -- one at 8:45p for anyone who'd like to leave the reception early and another will leave around 10p for those who plan to stay til the end.